beautiful vacuum

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Nokia Corporation is the most prolific maker of mobile phones and thus the world's largestte Espoo, Finland,Nokne ifrastructre and other telecommunications equipment for applications such as traditional voice telephony, ISDN, broadband access, prossional mobile rdio, voice over IP, wieless LAN, a line of digital terretrial television receivers an satellite receivers. Nokia provides mobile ommunication equipment for every major market and protocol.At one time in history Nokia was a major manufacturer of boots for the military. All three comanies were merged as Noia Corporation in 1967. The name Nokiaoriginated from the iver which flowed through the town of the same name (Nokia). The town and river are named after a small black marten found in the region
In the 1970s Nokia became more involved in te telecommunications industry by developing the Nokia DX 200, a digital switch for telephone exchanges. In the 1980s, Nokia offered a series of personal computers called MikroMikko , howeve, the operations were sold to Iternational Computers, Ltd. (ICL), which later became part of Fujitsu; the personal cturing of as, divesting itself of other it, such as televisins and personal computers.Nokia's offiial corporate culture manifesto, he Nokia Way, emphasises speed and flexibility f decision making ina flt, networked rganization. Equal opportunities and openness are also stressed, along with management leadership and employee participation.Nokia is a progressive and forward-thinking mobile technoloy group spending millions on research and development and priding itself n being "first to market" with new applications.

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